Galactipod's Site
Site under construction

My First Post


So, it's my first post here. I'm not gonna write 600 words about my ambitious goals for this site, because I don't really have any. I know nobody's going to follow it, and I know that I won't update this blog very often. But the thing is, I don't really care about any of that.

At the end of the day, this is a test post on a test blog on a test site. It might eventually become "a thing," but this is all just a test of my current skills as a programmer and a means of improving them. I barely knew anything about HTML and CSS before starting this project. That's still true, but now, "barely" is on a different scale.

I'm pretty sure I can now say that I know the bare essentials of static web development. Now, it's true that I haven't touched JavaScript outside of manual theme selection, but I think that and advanced CSS would sit outside of "bare essential." My site may not be very pretty, and it might not have or do a lot, but it's functional and readable. That's my philosophy. The way I see it, my inexperience just helps me keep my word. At least, that makes me feel better about myself.

TL;DR: I may be a noob, but I'm an enlightened noob. Or something. If that sounds pretentious to you, you're right. And now, the last step before I can become a proper philosopher is to stop showering and start being mean to women.